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▲Weight Loss System/Vela/Cryolipolysis/RF Cavitation/Lipolaser/Shockwave RF

  • SW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machine
  • SW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machine
  • SW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machine
  • SW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machine
SW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machineSW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machineSW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machineSW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machine

SW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machine

  • velashape III
  • Vacuum roller rf
  • RF skin tightening
  • Suction body slimming

SW-N5 Portable Velashape rf vacuum roller weight loss body slimming cellulite removal machine

VelaShape is a non-invasive body shaping treatment used to reduce cellulite, as well as slim the area around the stomach, hips, and thighs.
The machine combines four different technologies infrared light + bi-polar radio frequency+vacuum+laser+ massage rollers to improve skin texture and reduce overall volume of the treated area.
You have the option to undergo one longer treatment session or three shorter ones.

Mechanical Manipulation (Vacuum +/- Massage mechanism)
- Stimulates lymphatic and blood circulation
- Facilitates fibroblast activity
- Reduces viscosity of fat cell clusters
- Promotes vasodilation and extravasation of oxygen and nutrients
- Enables heating at different depths
- Vacuum roller message

Heating (infrared + radio frequency energies)
- Enhances blood circulation and increases oxygen dissociation from oxyhemoglobin
- Facilitates fibroblast activity
- Increases metabolism of fat cells
- Improves skin texture
- Fat melting
- RF vacuum fat liposuction

Functions velashape machine
* Fat reduction
* Velasmooth skin
* Body contouring
* Skin tightening for whole body
* 700nm infrared light for promotion of cell metabolism, increase skin elasticity
* Improvement of blood circulation


- Infrared light heats the tissue
- Radio Frequency (RF) heats tissue
- Vacuum +/- massage mechanisms enable precise targeting of energy to the tissue
- Mechanical massage provides lymphatic drainage (dermal and hypodermal ).
Biological Impact of Treatment Increased -abolism leading to demarcated desired ana-bolic and catabolic alterations at predeter-mined skin components and depths.